Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hawaii Pic

This project really explored more of the advanced aspects of Photoshop. This could be used to make posters like the one I just currently created. I rate this 6/10

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Activity Three

This was a more fun activity. We got to explore real life photo editing for more realistic ideas. I rate this 5/10

Activity Two

This acticity was a more advanced way at looking at Photoshop. We used a variety of effects such as Hue and Saturation and even a mass photo editor. Rate this a 3/10

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Activity One

I have past Photoshop experience so the basics come easy to me. Seeing how Photoshop works in the basics is always still mind blowing. I rated this activity 2/10 because I actually had to do work.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Group Prezi - Ryan Simons

The group Prezi project was an assignment that I enjoyed. It tough us how to work together to complete a project that if done incorrectly could effect our grade. This assignment was very fun and I would like to do other group assignments again. Rating 8/10