Friday, April 18, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

PiktoChart Thingy

This was a cool thing to display a graph or information regarding a topic. This had templates and customization features. Rating 5/10


Lucid Press is a cool program for making photos. I would recommend it for amateurs. rating 4/10

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pic Monkey

Picmonkey is a cute program. It is used to created really neat photos. Rating 8/10

Go Animate

Why to Join Stick World by variedits on GoAnimate

I am not a big fan of this program. I would agree that this program is very bland and pointless. Rating 2/10

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I is an Alien

This was a fun Photoshop project that involved lots of other tools. This was a set project but i enjoyed doing it. rating 7/10


I really enjoyed making the music. They need to update and fix PhotoStory. Rating 4/10